Begging the boon for Alzbeta

I wrote this speech August 2013 to “Beg the boon” for one of my dearest friends. It was a beautiful point in the story arch of our historical reenactment lives, and will always be cherished in my heart.

Majestic Sovereigns, Would  It please you to hear my words? 

My name is Robert Downey, and I am a servant of the Crown which presses upon your Worthy Heads.

I have not always been this.

There was a time when I was a peasant with a burning, violent heart beating in my chest, gazing distantly at the fevered dreams of Knights and Ladies, of Blood and steel and Franchise.

There was a time I wore 9 yards of polyester bunched about my waist, and dreamed. Always dreamed.

And then I met a Slip of a girl on an emerald hill, surrounded the strangest of people. 

She bade me to join this merry band of creatures, and we danced and sang.

And when we could dance no more, 

We spoke of many things. Of colored stones, and Chivalry. Of music and magic. Of Nobility and baseness. Of life and death. Of secret struggles and public Defiance. We ruminated endlessly upon the fevered dreams of Knights and Ladies, of Blood and steel and Franchise.

Then one evening, around the campfire upon the Emerald hill, She posed  a question to me: “Why can’t we be Great?”

Her question changed the course of my life.

Years passed on that Emerald hill. We changed, as did the world. I have been blessed beyond measure, and have had Many bloody adventures. 

For ever and always, I seek to answer her question.

And for Ever, and always in my adventures, that Slip of a Girl has been there.

I came to understand the wisdom, beauty, and unfailing Nobility which she possesses.  I delighted in her own adventures, and have been restrained by her wisdom. There have been times where I would have Burned the world, were it not for her counsel. And I still would, should she wish it. With a single word, I would frolic in the blood of her enemies, and dance upon their desecrated corpses, lustfully drunk on indignant violence. But ever she refrains giving that word. In this way, she embodies Chivalry, as a Noble Lady should, for what is Chivalry if not the restraint of violent men.

I have seen her bend her will to so many tasks. Seen so many facets. She has been Archer, Man at arms, Confidant to Kings, Defender of the weak, Campaigner, embroiderer, Kitchen hand, Mule, Musician, Performer, Illustrator, Storyteller, comforter, Noble Lady, Delighted reveler, Messenger of Generals, Spy, Family.

I have seen her push brooms at midnight, and outdazzle the sun at mid day.

I have seen her joyfully laugh as she dances Toss a Wench, and heard her spit her defiance as she charged tuchuks holding Castle gates.

I have seen her exercise Nobility through trials that shall never be spoken of, and Joys that can never be described.

I have seen her swear the Oath of your Populace countless times.

Quite simply, as I have the great honor of speaking for the Populace, I have seen her revel in being one of us, and I have seen that she is one of the greatest among us.

As a, humble, Student of the Laws of Chivalry, I have studied the oaths of Your Great Kingdom,  and In doing so, have observed an interesting thing.

The oaths you have taken, Great Sovereigns, are what they are, and you are discharging them with wisdom  by elevating this Most Noble Lady. I suspect more perfectly and more effectively than even your greatness realizes, if I may be so bold.

The oaths of your Knights are what they are.

As are the Laurels.

Soon, we shall hear Azlbeta swear the oath of the Pelican, We shall see her weave her thread around the tapestry that is Oathbinder.

But the oath of the Populace is an entirely different thing.

For as you know, it is open ended.

The great oaths of state specify what you are promising. The Knight enjoys his station and in return is Foremost in battle, etc etc. etc.

For oaths of fealty, are, by definition, Contracts.

But to swear the oath of the populace……….

It is an open ended contract. 

A contract that clerks who make themselves powerful by the terrible engine of the law would NEVER counsel anyone take! 

“To serve where serve I might”

Simple. Unlimited, Trusting. 

Alzbeta has served our oath, in ways unexpected and unheralded. Ever and always with Nobility and Greatness.

And through her service she has created the fevered dreams of Knights and Ladies, of Blood and steel and Franchise.

She has touched all of you, even if you do not know it. Especially because you do not know it.

With her simple question, posed upon an Emerald Hill, She created me.

In my simple mind, Your Majesties, your Crown is a Symbol of the Nobility of the Populace. One which you are sworn to Protect. You discharge your duties skillfully by doing this thing.

But I beg you understand one thing, Great Sovereigns.

If the Populace is, indeed, reflected by the Majesty of your Crowns, Alzbeta is the greatest jewel upon your brows.

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